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2024-08-18 23:09:57


不相交集是kruskal最小生成树中使用的数据结构。 这种数据结构允许我们创建两个或多个节点的并集。 让我们确定两个节点是否属于它 not 图片的同一组成部分。 时间复杂度为 o(4alpha)(如果我们使用路径压缩,否则将是对数),这是已被证明的恒定时间复杂性。


class Main{
    int parent[]  = new int[100000];
    int rank[] = new int[100000];
    void makeSet(){
        for(int i=1;i6->4->3 , here 3 is the parent of this union, so in order to get the parent of 7 which is 3 we can path compress it. like 7->3,6->3,4->3 etc.
    void union(int u, int v){
        u = findParent(u);
        v = findParent(v);
        if(rank[u]  rank[v]) parent[v] = u;
        else parent[u] =v; // or parent[v] = u;
        // here u and v had the same rank
        //and now v became parent of u hence its rank will increase

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
        Main m = new Main();
        //if we where given no of nodes as n
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
        int n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
            int u = n--;
            int v = n--;
            m.union(u,v);// this will create union of n nodes
        // if 2 and 3 belong to the same component or not find out
        if(findParent(2)! = findParent(3)) System.out.println("Different component");
        else System.out.println("Same component");


上一篇 异常处理如何提高 Java 程序的健壮性?
下一篇 返回列表
