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2024-08-27 13:27:25






 * @imultifunction interface has methods related to all output devices present in office space
 * for devices like printer, scanner, fax machines, etc
public interface imultifunction {
    public void print();
    public void getprintspooldetails();
    public void scan();
    public void scanphoto();
    public void fax();
    public void internetfax();


具有所有功能的 xeroxworkcenter 类

 * you must have seen xerox work station device which has all the features in one like printing, scanning, xerox,
 * fax etc
public class xeroxworkcenter implements imultifunction {

    public void print() {
        // real printing code

    public void getprintspooldetails() {
        // real get print spool details code

    public void scan() {
        // read scanning code

    public void scanphoto() {
        // real scan photo code 

    public void fax() {
        // real fax code

    public void internetfax() {
        // real internet fax code


hpprinternscanner 该类别具有打印和扫描功能

public class hpprinternscanner implements imultifunction {

    public void print() {
        // real printing code

    public void getprintspooldetails() {
        // real get print spool details code

    public void scan() {
        // read scanning code

    public void scanphoto() {
        // real scan photo code 

    //since hpprinternscanner has only printing and scanning abilities fax() and internetfax() will have empty body
    public void fax() {}

    public void internetfax() {}


canonprinter 类只有打印功能

public class canonprinter implements imultifunction {

    public void print() {
        // real printing code

    public void getprintspooldetails() {
        // real get print spool details code

    //since the canonprinter has only printing ability rest of the method will have an empty body
    public void scan() {}

    public void scanphoto() {}

    public void fax() {}

    public void internetfax() {}




  • 胖接口(有两个多方法声明的接口)
  • 低内聚接口(不太可能相互关联的接口)
  • *空方法实现*(当他们被迫实现自己不使用的方法时,他们会留空方法的实现)


public interface iprint {
    public void print();
    public void getprintspooldetails();

public interface iscan {
    public void scan();
    public void scanphoto();

public interface ifax {
    public void fax();
    public void internetfax();

 * you must have seen the xerox workstation device which has all the features in one like printing, scanning, xerox, fax, etc.
public class xeroxworkcenter implements iprint,iscan,ifax {

    public void print() {
        // real printing code

    public void getprintspooldetails() {
        // real get print spool details code

    public void scan() {
        // read scanning code

    public void scanphoto() {
        // real scan photo code ̰

    public void fax() {
        // real fax code

    public void internetfax() {
        // real internet fax code


public class hpprinternscanner implements iprint,iscan {

    public void print() {
        // real printing code

    public void getprintspooldetails() {
        // real get print spool details code

    public void scan() {
        // read scanning code

    public void scanphoto() {
        // real scan photo code 

public class CanonPrinter implements IPrint {

    public void print() {
        // real printing code

    public void getPrintSpoolDetails() {
        // real get print spool details code


isp 与其他 solid 原则的关系

单一责任 将接口划分为不同的接口后,现在所有的接口(例如 iprint、iscan)都有单一的职责

里氏替换 由于隔离,所有类别(实现接口)都遵循里氏替换,因为所有子类型或实现类都可以用它们的接口引用变量替换


上一篇 里氏替换原则
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