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2024-09-29 20:42:08
代理是用于创建代理或占位符对象,控制原始对象访问的结构设计模式之一。 作为中介,可以提高额外的控制水平,并且可以在将请求委托给真实对象之前和之后进行额外的操作。
//object interface public interface image{ public void display(); } //real object public class realimage implements image { private string file; public realimage(string filename){ this.file = filename; loadimagefromdisk(); } @override public void display(){ system.out.println("rendering image : "+ file); } private void loadimagefromdisk(){ system.out.println("loading image "+file+" from disk"); } } //proxy class public class proxyimage implements image { private image image; private string file; public proxyimage(string filename){ this.file =filename; } @override public void display(){ if(image ==null){// create object of realimage only if the image reference is null, thus resulting in lazyintialization //( i.e. initializing the object only when it is needed not beforehand) image = new realimage(file); } image.display(); } } // client public class main { public static void main(string args[]){ image image = new proxyimage("wallpaper.png"); //image is loaded and displayed for the first time image.display(); //image will not be loaded again, only display will be called image.display(); } }
Loading image wallpaper.png from disk Rendering image : wallpaper.png