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2024-12-02 19:47:00
sql insert语法报错
在提供的插入语句中,storageroom 字段后面缺少逗号。类似于以下示例 sql:
insert newschema.new_table (name,) values ('hello',);
insert newschema.new_table (name) values ('hello');
在您提供的映射文件中,storageroom 字段后面也缺少逗号:
<if test="storageroom != null and storageroom != ''">storageroom,</if>
<insert id="insertPnAssertRukuDetails" parameterType="com.ruoyi.system.domain.PnModelInOutInventory"> insert into pnAssertRukuDetails ( <if test="parentPnAssertRukuId != null and parentPnAssertRukuId != ''">parent_pnAssertRuku_id,</if> <if test="materialInformation != null and materialInformation != ''">materialInformation,</if> <if test="numbersRuKu != null and numbersRuKu != ''">numbersRuKu,</if> <if test="qualified != null and qualified != ''">qualified,</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != ''">unit,</if> <if test="storageRoom != null and storageRoom != ''">storageRoom</if>, -- 增加逗号 <if test="sn != null and sn != ''">sn,</if> <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">remark,</if> <if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''">batchNumber</if>, -- 增加逗号 )values( <if test="parentPnAssertRukuId != null and parentPnAssertRukuId != ''">#{parentPnAssertRukuId},</if> <if test="materialInformation != null and materialInformation != ''">#{materialInformation},</if> <if test="numbersRuKu != null and numbersRuKu != ''">#{numbersRuKu},</if> <if test="qualified != null and qualified != ''">#{qualified},</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != ''">#{unit},</if> <if test="storageRoom != null and storageRoom != ''">#{storageRoom},</if> -- 增加逗号 <if test="sn != null and sn != ''">#{sn},</if> <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">#{remark},</if> <if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''">#{batchNumber},</if> -- 增加逗号 ) </insert>