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2023-04-20 16:52:59

1.download these files:

  • PuTTY.exe — Secure Shell client
  • PuTTYgen.exe — SSH public/private key generator
  • Pagent.exe — SSH key agent
  • PSCP.exe — Secure Copy from command line
  • PSFTP.exe — Secure Copy with FTP-like interface

2.config PUTTY_PATH and add path;

3.config system,

  • Category:
  • Hostname: dbserver
  • Protocol: (*) SSH
  • Connection : Data
  • Auto-login username: steve
  • Connection : SSH
  • Preferred SSH Protocol Version: (*) 2 Only


4.Run PuTTYgen,then click Generate , then

Save Public Key and

Save Private Key

5.copy publicKey contents

6.in Linux system,enter $Home path. create folder ".ssh" , and in .ssh create file "authorized_keys"

7.copy publicKey contents into authorized_keys. save authorized_keys.

8.chmod 600 authorized_keys.

9.run putty ,Navigate to Connection :


Auth in the Category pane on the left, then populate the

Private key file for authentication field by browsing to the

.ppk file saved previously.


10. login linux system,enter pwd.

11.run putty,Navigate to Connection :


Auth in the Category pane on the left, then populate "Allow agent forwarding" enable.

12.run PAGEANT, and import private.


上一篇 动力节点2023版MyBatisPlus教程【拓展篇】
下一篇 图计算引擎分析--GridGraph
